Encountering the paranatural is a life-changing experience. While most will rationalise what they saw, a few refuse and, in doing so, step into the dark to better understand the world they now find themselves in. As individuals explore further, more questions than answers begin to arise until the individual becomes wholly detached from the normal world. For Equinox, such people are valuable but not if they become so detached from humanity that they forget they are fighting for its overall protection.
It is because of the inherent risk posed by the paranatural that Equinox encourages its members to establish strong social ties with one another and, where possible, maintain normal lives outside of work. Mechanically, this takes the form of “Touchstones” – connections to individuals who help your character retain their humanity.
Using Touchstones
A character may use a Touchstone lammie for the following purposes when they are in the close physical proximity of one of their Touchstones or undertaking a meaningful other interaction with them, such as a tearful phone call or a live video feed. The character and their Touchstone must have a moment of meaningful roleplay in order the Touchstone lammie to be used but once used, you chose one of the following effects:
- Recover: If the character is Wounded, Critical or has a Fatal Wound then they may use one of their Touchstone lammies to prevent their death. The character immediately regains consciousness and, after thirty seconds, regains one hit on every location and may act normally. The character otherwise retains all Condition Cards received.
- Resist: If the character is the target of a Show-Me Lammie, the character may call “Resist” to the Show-Me Lammie and may call “Resist” if targeted again for the next 10 minutes.
- Reject: Unless the Condition Card says otherwise, the character may ignore the effect of a Condition Card for 10 minutes. It does not prevent the character from obtaining the Condition Card in the first place.
- React: Certain Condition Cards or items may allow a character to use a Touchstone lammie but this will be identified clearly on the card or item if this is the case.
Once the Touchstone lammie is used, you must tear the Touchstone lammie and review the Condition Card found within. At the end of an Act (or sooner if convenient) please pass any used Touchstones to Operations.
Two characters who are valid targets as touchstones for each other may both choose to use a Touchstone lammie based on the same meaningful interaction.

Being a Touchstone
We trust our players to define for themselves what is a meaningful interaction between Touchstones, as we expect that these will vary hugely between characters.
Obtaining Touchstones
Touchstones reflect the character’s connections to members of their Cell and may only be used with members of their Cell. How Touchstones are assigned is dependent on whether you are an individual player or whether you start play as a member of a player-generated cell, as set out below:
- Equinox One – Characters who are assigned to Equinox One gain two Touchstones which may be used when interacting with any member of Equinox One.
If the character ever officially joins another Cell during play they retain access to their Equinox One Touchstones for the duration of the event. After the event, the rules for Other Equinox Cells apply as set out below. - Other Equinox Cells – Characters gain two Touchstones which may be used when interacting with any member of their Cell. For information on how players can make their own Cells, please see the Cell Creation rules here.
It is possible during play that your character may encounter paranatural objects or phenomena that may count as a Touchstone Lammie. If this is the case, the character should follow the instructions assigned to the location or item accordingly.
All characters start out with two Touchstones unless they have something that says otherwise and a character may not have more than three Touchstone Lammies at a time.
LOSING Touchstones
It is possible that, during play, all your Touchstones may die. If this occurs then any Touchstone lammies assigned to you can be used to make one “Resist” call to any damage call or Show-Me-Lammie as your character calls upon their lost connection to give them one last chance to fight on.
Once the Touchstone lammie is used, the character should review the Condition Card on the inside of the Touchstone lammie and take the effect as normal.
It is very difficult for Touchstones to be regained during the course of the event. Between events a character may choose to regain a single Touchstone unless they end the event under a Condition Card that says otherwise.