This history of The Equinox Institute is divided into the following distinct periods of history:
- The Founding (1590 – 1625) – In which the first iteration of the Equinox Institute is founded known as “The School of Night”. A tempestuous period where paranatural incidents are recorded for the first time and the organisation struggles to establish itself in a complicated political landscape.
- The Interregnum (1626 – 1659) – A period of political upheaval where, in order to survive, the School of Night is forced to go underground and act independently of the crown. A time of secretive research and quiet hunts.
- The Restoration (1660 – 1814) – During this era, “The School of Night” evolves into “The Royal Society of the Paranatural” and establishes formal ties with the monarchy and parliament once more. A period of exponential growth and international espionage.
- The Insurrection (1815 – 1914) – A little under a century and a half of growth sees the Royal Society of the Paranatural dealing not only with paranatural phenomena across the British Empire but also with enemies who seek to undermine and subvert it from within. Corruption takes root within the Society and civil war breaks out between those who favour British Imperialism and those who believe all should be protected from paranatural threats. By the end of the century the Society is destroyed in mysterious circumstances, paving the way for the modern organisation known as The Equinox Institute.
- The First Paranatural War(s) (1914 – 1991) – The first global conflicts between major powers and the subsequent cold war see The Equinox Institute formally join the UK’s other intelligence communities and the first conflicts and alliances with rival international powers.
- The Modern Era (1992 – Present) – The current period of history saw paranatural incidents greatly decrease until events in Mystic, Connecticut threaten to reveal the existence of the supernatural to the whole world. Equinox gains additional funding and undergoes significant modernisation even as reports of paranatural activity diminish worldwide. The game is set in this era, which is yet to truly be named…
The events set out in the sections above are heavily summarised and are written in chronological order. The information set out in each is considered to be “public knowledge” though may not be true, accurate or comprehensive.