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Equinox 13

Aka: Equinox Bidston

Location: Bidston Hill, Wirral, Liverpool
Classification: Condemned
Previous Classification: Containment (1866 – 1970), Research (1971 – 2000), Archive (2001 – 2024)
Total Number of Staff: 8 (as of November 2024)
Also known as:  “The Observatory” or “Classification: Cursed” (Derogatory)

Equinox Bidston” or “Equinox 13” has had many classifications over the year but is commonly thought of as being “cursed” by the wider membership of The Equinox Institute.

With budgets tightening, the Equinox Institute has finally made the decision to condemn the site following a data breach in early 2024. It is currently in the process of being converted into a residential arts centre before being sold. All members of Equinox 13 and all paranatural phenomena and research at the site are currently in the process of being transferred elsewhere.

Major Historical Events

Equinox Bidston was originally constructed by the Royal Society of the Paranatural to act as a containment facility and penitentiary for paranatural entities. It was known to be a stronghold for the Society during the Forgotten War but, like many records from that time, information on its purpose and the paranatural phenomena it contained remains unknown.

Following its successful take-over by The Equinox Institute, the site was retained as a containment unit. What followed was an unusually high number of containment breaches – more than any other Equinox site in recorded history. Unable to determine a paranatural cause for these events, the Cell was reclassified as a Research unit in the early 1970s.

In the early 2000s, a lab experiment saw a field agent unnecessarily killed. Unable to justify the expense of the site after three decades of irrelevant research, Equinox 13 was reclassified as an Archive.

For the last quarter of a century, Equinox 13 has had a reputation for poor management. A significant data breach in early 2024, spelled disaster for the Cell and accordingly, The Court has finally made the decision to close the Cell and the site for good. Completion of this process is due to take place in March 2025.


Equinox 13 is intended to be the location of the first event , “Episode 1: Idle Tears” and is included here for background purposes. Its overall future remains to be seen.

The photo for this page was provided by  Steve Fareham  under a Creative Commons Licence. This photo has been edited. A copy of the original photo can be found here.