Aka: Equinox EDINBURGH
Location: Calton Hill
Classification: Containment
Total Number of Staff: 115
Also known as: “The Monument” or “Hell“(Historic)
Equinox 2 is based under Calton Hill in Central Edinburgh. Accessed through Nelson’s Monument, Calton Hill is Equinox’s most secure site and is responsible for the study of paranatural individuals and the containment of high-risk paranatural objects and entities.
Despite what some Cells might say, Equinox Edinburgh is not a prison. Equinox 2 in fact offers housing and support to individuals with paranatural abilities that are either difficult to hide, control or which pose a threat to the public. Many of these reside on the upper levels of the containment facility.
Further down however, significantly more dangerous objects and entities are also locked away from the rest of the world. Paranatural phenomena that pose this level of threat are kept seperate from the rest of the sites’ residents and information on them remains classified. Additionally, the Monument also serves as a data centre – housing a secure back-up of all data and reports collected by Equinox’s Cells worldwide.
It is for this reason Equinox 2 houses not only a significant number of security and research personnel but also the majority of the Institute’s medical professionals who are on hand to offer physical treatment and psychological therapy to the site’s residents and staff as needed.
Major Historical Events
Equinox Edinburgh has a sordid reputation among the rest of the Institute. In 1665, the leper hospital on the hill was transferred to the Royal Society of the Paranatural for an unknown sum. The hospital, which was known for imprisoning its patients to prevent the spread of leprosy, was quickly converted by the Society to house individuals with paranatural abilities instead. Treatment of individuals was appalling with many treated as animals and given only the most basic food, care and support. During this time it gained a nickname among the Society’s membership – “Hell“.
This practice continued for centuries unabated until in 1904, following the fall-out of the Forgotten War, control of the facility fell into the hands of the Equinox Institute. What followed was a comprehensive restructuring process which saw many low-risk paranatural individuals released and the site converted. The staff at Equinox Edinburgh now work diligently to ensure the mistakes of the past are never repeated again.
Equinox 2 is a Game-Team Controlled Cell. While player characters may not currently work for this cell, it is possible that that they may have undertaken a period of service at Equinox Edinburgh or been taken there for treatment or therapy. It is also possible that, if your character is a paranatural, they spent time at the site receiving support and assistance before choosing to move to elsewhere in the country.