Here you can find the public biographies of all the characters who are members of The Equinox Institute. These characters consist of both attendee created characters as well as game-team created and controlled characters. Information contained on this page is considered to be in-character knowledge which is available to all members of The Equinox Institute (but not necessarily other paranatural factions).
Staff Bios are listed by Cell. For more information on each Cell, visit the appropriate Cell page for further information.
Equinox 1
Equinox 1 is Equinox’s primary headquarters and the largest Equinox Cell. Based out of the Tower of London, Equinox 1 currently employs approximately one third of the Institute’s total staff.
Lucas Hammond
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Intelligence Analyst
Specialisation: Resourceful
Lucas Hammond is a member of the Central Paranatural Bureau, coming to the end of his first full year on secondment to Equinox One. Prior to arriving in the UK, he had served as the Quartermaster for the Bureau’s regional staging site in Colorado for several years. He settled in quickly in the Institute’s London headquarters, where his ability to leverage his previous expertise in acquiring the right tool for the situation, quickly and efficiently, has marked him as an asset to the Institute, despite not formally being a member.
While Lucas’ assistance to the Institute’s endeavours is very firmly not ‘no questions asked’ – after all, the C.P.B. maintains that paranatural phenomena far afield can pose threats to those they are responsible for protecting – it is hoped that secondments such as his will help demonstrate the organisations’ alliance is still very much standing strong.
Lysander “Andi” Hawthorne
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Paranatural
Specialisation: Empathic Profiling
“Lysander Hawthorne has been approved for recruitment at the behest of [REDACTED] Hawthorne. This provides an excellent opportunity to further study the familial aspect, if any, of Paranatural abilities. Baseline tests are to be carried out with the brothers separated, approval for joint exercises may be accepted before the conclusion of such tests.
I am keen to continue the evaluation process of Lysander, both during live and test exercises as they continue to prove to be eager to use their abilities. So long as this co-operation continues we should undertake tests that the research department has been clamoring for.”
Dr. Young, Researcher based at Equinox One.
Initially brought into custody by a containment team on July 30th 2024, Lysander has been working with the Institute after a 6 week initial containment period.
Lysander is a natural Empath, and has demonstrated the ability and willingness to use their power to the benefit of the Institute. This was particularly of note during the [REDACTED] breach, being able to detect [REDACTED]’s effects in the personnel before it could progress past the incubation stage.
With proper training and direction Lysander can become more than just a tool for Equinox to use, and become a productive member. Until that time it is our recommendation to continue using them as seen fit by operational command.
Cassandra Larsen
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Field Agent
Specialisation: Close Quarters Combat (“CQC”) Expertise
Decision following mission debrief, Op FORSAKEN HISTORY, 4th Dec 2015, 19:13Z
While this committee feels the accusations of recklessness bought against Agent Larsen are valid, the simple truth remains that, in the closing minutes of the FORSAKEN HISTORY mission, Agent Larsen carried out actions that not only ensured the survival of the FORSAKEN team, but also achieved the mission goal. We acknowledge that the way this was achieved was irregular. We acknowledge Agent Larsen’s actions could be construed as insubordinate. We also acknowledge that it was an unusual use of mission equipment that, while an expensive loss, did result in mission success.
However, it is the recommendation of this committee that Agent Larsen is again restored to Active Duty. Their Psychiatric Report shows no signs of nascent nihilism, or death wish, but we also recommend, again, that Agent Larsen is referred to a higher level of counselling to satisfy concerns regarding their current mental health.“
//OIC_FORSAKEN_HISTORY Eyes Only, 04/12/2015/21:44Z
//Look, we get it. She’s effective, but for god’s sake, don’t you think she’s enjoying her job just a little bit too much..?
//Have a word, will you? The last thing we need is the new intake to start emulating this sort of behaviour.
Jonathan Moses
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Intelligence Analyst
Specialisation: Contacts (The Agrippina Athenaeum)
Moses is one of the Agrippina Athenaeum’s ‘recorders’ – surveillance operatives who accompany Institute teams on investigations to document paranatural phenomena for the Athenaeum as part of the “information-sharing agreement” between the two organisations. Like most external consultants, Moses works in Equinox One and is assigned to work alongside other cells on a temporary basis.
Receives more positive feedback in debriefing reports than most other Athenaeum consultants working for the Institute. Comments focus on how he actively contributes to investigations rather than passively observing, and that he doesn’t take liberties with confidential Institute information. General feedback is that he takes the “sharing” part of the agreement seriously and actively makes use of his employers’ resources for the benefit of investigations.
Has no particular proficiency in physical or digital security and so poses a lower risk than some other consultant analysts. No combat experience. No significant psychological risk factors.
Recommendation: Cleared for standard analytical work in a support role. Potential benefit when Agrippina Athenaeum resources may be of use to an investigation. Maintain heightened security if assigned to a case via specific Athenaeum request.
Eliza Rencheau
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Physician
Specialisation: Trauma Expertise
“In the interests of furthering information exchange and good relations between our organisations, Agent Rencheau has been made available to the Equinox Institute on a semi-permanent basis.
Her skills include emergency triage, field surgery, and keeping a cool head under pressure. Given the Institue’s tendency for bypassing peaceful measures more… expediently than UNAC might prefer, it is felt the Institute might have more frequent need of this skillset.”
[Redacted], UNAC UK contact
Eliza Rencheau was recruited by UNAC after a high-flying but rather contentious career as a trauma surgeon. While certainly skilled, she was criticised as acting too rashly to prioritise survival, and for a distinctly blunt bedside manner. These qualities however led to a rather more successful tour with the Médecins Sans Frontières, as the chaos at the edges of a warzone was rather more suited to her than a sterile operating theatre.
Eliza’s family often had one or two members join UNAC in each generation, and when even warzones became mundane, paranatural affairs became the next logical step. After working internationally for several years, she settled at one of the permanent UK offices to be closer to family, who had immigrated to England several generations ago.
Beginning to once again chafe at UNAC’s “shoot last” policies and the associated lack of interesting work requiring her skills, Eliza was arranged by mutual agreement with her superiors to be lent out to allied organisations. She has found a good fit at the Equinox Institute for the past three years.
Equinox 23
Equinox 23 specialises in the investigation, retrieval, containment and on-going research of paranatural artefacts owned and traded amongst the aristocracy
Philip Cardiff
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Paranatural
Specialisation: [REDACTED]
Update on subject Philip Cardiff:
“Mr Cardiff was never the intended target of our investigation, rather it was his partner who had been identified as a potential paranatural of multiple disciplines. The Prime subject was operating out of his antique shop and he was recovered at the same time for security and relocated to Equinox 2. It was only after testing that it was discovered that he had his own set of abilities and was operating in support of the prime subject. Psychological Profiling has confirmed Haphephobia and notable above normal emotional responses but neither of these should pose an issue for operations. Recommend they be permitted to maintain their partnership as a Cell with oversight from Equinox and no illicit activities be undertaken without oversight approval.“
Charlotte Catherine Antonia Percy, Duchess of Northumberland
Pronouns: She/Her/They
Class: Field Agent
Specialisation: [REDACTED]
The Duchess served in the British army for 10 years, having completed officer training at Sandhurst. The Duchess served as a troop commander in the Royal Logistics Corps in Iraq and later transferred to the Army Air Corps where she learned how to fly air craft. The Duchess qualified as an Apache aircraft commander and was deployed in Afghanistan. She achieved the rank of Captain prior to demobilisation in 2015.
Upon demobilisation, the Duchess returned to her ancestral home, but did not take well to civilian life. This was further complicated due to a series of deaths on the estate caused by a cursed objects acquired by her family over several centuries and the entities attached to them. Whilst her connections and training had already caught the attention of Equinox Institute recruitment, so had the collection. The Equinox Institute sent an agent posing as a legal assistant after the death of the Duchess’ father, Algernon Walter George Percy, the late Duke of Northumberland. The Duchess was recruited by the Institute after the agent observed her skills during the incident at [REDACTED]. The Duchess remained surprisingly calm throughout, and as such Agent [REDACTED] believes several lives were saved.
The Duchess has an eye for historical objects and an appreciation of the place of occult practices within paranatural conflict resolution.
Casey Quinn
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Paranatural
Specialisation: [REDACTED]
“Ms Quinn appears to be an extremely controlled individual. Where most people would display distress at being detained within a facility such as ours, from the outset her demeanour was unshaken, bordering on amused. Upon revealing our knowledge of her abilities that confidence began to minorly crack, but true weakness was only shown when [REDACTED]. It was then that fruitful discussion began.”
Interview notes from [REDATED], Equinox 2
“Sharp dresser. Sharper tongue. Don’t think I’d like to be on Casey’s bad side.”
As a recent recruit to The Equinox Institute, little is known about Casey Quinn’s life prior to her status as a paranatural operative. What is known, however, is that regardless of exactly what she previously did, her abilities were considered useful enough to bring her into the fold. She began operating as part of a triumvirate cell in [REDACTED] alongside another new operative and a pre-established field agent.
Since then their cell has quickly gained in reputation as a respectable retrieval operation. They also show considerable skill in maintaining the secrets behind both the artefacts they retrieve and the powers they wield. What small rumours circulate suggest that Ms Quinn has a large part in keeping these secrets, but exactly how that works is as yet unknown by wider Equinox membership.
Equinox 58
Equinox 58 is a rapid-response taskforce specialising in the observation, research, capture and management of non-sentient paranatural animals (known as “parafauna” or colloquially as “cryptids”).
Penelope Carter
Pronouns: She/Her
Class: Researcher
Specialisation: [REDACTED]
Penelope Carter was recruited into The Equinox Institute immediately after graduating from Oxford in 2021, following a personal referral by Father Felix Gunner. A degree in Biology and an interest in Ecology led straight into her joining a very fieldwork based Cell, colloquially known as ‘Pest Control’.
Pen retains a sunny disposition while working for M6 Dispatch despite reports from Zax’s previous partners of complex, perhaps hostile, working conditions.
“We look forwards to seeing what Carter’s research will move towards once she has moved on from M6 Cannock”
Anonymous note on Penelope Carter’s personnel file
Zax Chesterton
Pronouns: He/They
Class: Physician
Specialisation: Alien Biologist
“Initial observations were positive; Zax chain-smoked through the entire interview and requested painkillers twice, but seemed calm, alert and engaged. No attempt was made to rationalise the attack, and accurate observations were given. These were backed up by extensive notes taken at ten minute intervals between the attack and the arrival of an Equinox strike team – barring a short window during which Zax ‘took care of his injuries’. Given their demeanour, attention to detail, level of experience (year 2 of NHS speciality training), unflinching acceptance of the paranatural, and – to be old fashioned about it – grit and determination (I believe, in an effort to avoid paranatural contact with anyone else at the hospital, those sutures were self-administered) – in short, I recommend against amnestic use and suggest we move forward with recruitment. Zax has mentioned at least twice, unprompted, how poor junior doctor’s salaries are…”
Alicia Middleton, Equinox 6, July 2011
Everyone was surprised when Zax Chesterton, up and coming in the field of alien biology, swerved into working almost exclusively with non-sentient cryptids – but they’ve kept it up for over a decade. Depending on who you ask, Zax is “very pleasant, dealt with that pest problem very professionally, extremely thorough and they were here all hours too!” or possibly “an absolute bloody nightmare, never talks about himself, has no social life, smokes in the van, will have you up at 3am baiting traps and doesn’t so much as blink when something does finally try and kill you.”
Equinox 74
Equinox 74 is an expansive underground facility specialising in the research and development of technologies relating to the paranatural including the paranatural phenomena known as the “Black Knight Satellite“.
Julian ‘Jude’ Holloway – aka Asher
Pronouns: They/Them
Class: Intelligence Analyst
Specialisation: Grey Hat Hacker
“Jude is the kind of operative you want on your team when the stakes are high and the answers are buried deep. They’re sharp, methodical, and relentless in pursuit of the truth. Just don’t expect them to follow every rule – they’ll bend the system to get the job done, but their results speak for themselves. If you can earn their trust, there’s no one more loyal or capable in a crisis.”
Julian “Jude” Holloway, often called Asher in the field, is a non-binary Intelligence Analyst and Gray Hat Hacker, excelling in cyber intelligence, cryptography, and uncovering digital footprints of paranatural activity. They leverage their skills to navigate classified systems and track elusive threats, operating from their Cell’s base in the Drakelow Tunnels. Prior to their employment within the Institute, Jude ran their own private consultancy, offering their technical skills to the highest bidder whose objectives and morals closely aligned with their own.
Jude is resourceful, analytical, and unflappable under pressure, with a talent for connecting the dots in seemingly disparate data. Their wit and sarcasm often lighten tense moments, though their guarded nature and skepticism of authority can create friction. Fiercely independent, they excel when given autonomy but remain loyal to those they trust. However, it may be the autonomy and independence that they crave will be Jude’s undoing, bringing everything they treasure crashing down around them, given their drive to achieve the goals they strive for… at any cost.
Sebastian Lake
Pronouns: He/Him
Class: Field Agent
Specialisation: Survivor
“Lake was one of our best Risk Assessment Analysts. A simple babysitting task, that’s all it was. So how did this happen? He’s never bent, never broken, for the gods damns sakes, i’ve never even seen the man tremble. So how has he got so twisted up. What are they doing in those in those tunnels. I’d love to know, but I can’t afford to waste more manpower.””
Philip Priest, Sub-Divisional Chief of Security, Equinox [REDACTED].
Sebastian Lake, is a tough guy. The kind of guy who you’d be happy to have if you were on the terraces with you on a Saturday away day at Millwall. You feel safe with Sebastian. You should never feel safe with Sebastian.
Sebastian is a field agent, but Sebastian has always been a cold fish, Borstal does that to a boy. He’s cold, clever and totally dedicated to the Equinox Institute. That’s what you get when you rescue a boy and offer him a home and a purpose and carte blanche on working out his frustrations.
Sebastian has served the Institute with unswerving dedication and vigour for over 30 years. You name a horror, he’ll have faced it and buried it.
Only recently Sebastian seems to have gone a little off grid. Analysis reports are late or not detailed. The talk is he better pull his head out of his ass, and soon…