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Event Timetable and Act Structure

The Equinox Institute LRP uses an act based structure for our game in order to frame and manage the event and to provide clear times where the Game Team will not be running encounters, in order to allow attendees to take a break. For more information on how this ties into the rules for our games, please see the Acts and Transitions.

This section sets out the Act Structure for Episode 1: Idle Tears so that attendees can plan their time at the event accordingly:

Arrival at SiteFriday 18:00 – 20:00Attendees who are not members of the Game Team or Cast for the event are welcomed on site from 18:00. Upon arrival you will be asked to sign-in with a member of the Game Team and will be guided to your assigned sleeping space. Player packs and resources will be provided to you prior to sign-in.

During this time access to areas of the site will be limited. You will be informed where or where you cannot go by a member of the Game Team.
Player and Group BriefingsFriday 20:00 – 20:30Player and group briefings are held. There will be a short period of time after this to finalise your character kit and ensure you are ready to begin play when the Prologue begins.
PrologueFriday 21:00 to Saturday 01:00A plot light evening that aims to set the tone of the event and give characters a chance to meet others, try out their Skills and immerse themselves in the game environment. Out of character this also exists to allow attendees to travel on Friday, arrive late and not worry about missing out extensively on the plot of our events.
Transition (Friday Night)Saturday 01:00 – 10:00No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. Attendees have the opportunity to sleep but may continue roleplaying in designated in-character areas.
Act 1Saturday 10:00 – 14:00Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance.
Transition (Saturday Afternoon/Lunch)Saturday 14:00 – 15:30No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. A break for attendees to rest and have lunch. Roleplay may continue between attendees during this time.
Act 2
Saturday 15:30 – 19:30
Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance.
Transition (Saturday Evening/Dinner)
Saturday 19:30 – 21:00
No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. A break for attendees to rest and have dinner. Roleplay may continue between attendees during this time.
Act 3Saturday 21:00 to Sunday 01:00Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance.
Transition (Saturday Night)
Sunday 01:00 – 10:00
No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. Attendees have the opportunity to sleep but may continue roleplaying in designated in-character areas.
EpilogueSunday 10:00 – 13:00This period exists to allow attendees to wrap up remaining plot threads or personal roleplay with other characters. It also allows attendees to leave the game earlier should they so wish.
Event DebriefSunday 13:00 – 13:30A debrief is held with attendees setting out information regarding the event, take-down and sign-out.
Event Takedown and Sign OutSunday 13:30 – 18:00Attendees are asked to clear up their sleeping spaces, equipment and kit and to leave the venue. Prior to leaving the venue, attendees will be asked to sign-out so the Game Team are aware of who does or does not remain on site. All attendees must be off-site by no later than 18:00.