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Acts And Transitions

We are using an act based structure for our game in order to frame and manage the event and to provide clear times where we will not be running encounters to allow everyone to take a break.

Acts and Transitions

Our game is divided into two states of play:

  • Acts – These are periods of time in which encounters will run and the Game Team will be available to asssit you in interacting with the game world and using your skills. While generally called “Acts“, we also call these “Prologues” (for Friday night) and “Epilogues” (for Sunday morning).
  • Transitions – This is where no encounters will be run by the Game Team to allow both players and cast members to eat, drink and refresh themselves. Roleplay can continue between attendees but there should be no mechanical interactions that require a member of the Game Team. For the avoidance of doubt, this also includes over-night play in select areas of the venue should attendees with to opt-in to 24 hour play.

To support this approach, many Skills and Specialisations within the game work on a per Act basis. As attendees move into each new Act any per Act abilities will refresh. Uses of those abilities do not carry over from one Act to another unless specified. Some abilities demand more time from the ref team and the results of them being used may appear in the next act. For the purpose of per act abilities the Prologue and Epilogue do count as acts.

Example act structure

The Act structure will vary from an event to event basis but an example Act structure can be seen below.

PrologueFriday 20:00 – 00:00A plot light evening that aims to set the tone of the event and give characters a chance to meet others, try out their Skills and immerse themselves in the game environment. Out of character this also exists to allow attendees to travel on Friday, arrive late and not worry about missing out.
Transition (Friday Night)Saturday 00:00 – 09:59No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. Attendees have the opportunity to sleep but may continue roleplaying in designated in-character areas.
Act 1Saturday 10:00 – 14:00Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance. Act specific Skills reset at the start of the Act unless they state otherwise.
Transition (Saturday Afternoon)Saturday 14:00 – 14:59No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. A break for attendees to rest or eat.
Act 2Saturday 15:00 – 19:00Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance. Act specific Skills reset at the start of the Act unless they state otherwise.
Transition (Saturday Evening)Saturday 19:00 – 19:59No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. A break for attendees to rest or eat.
Act 3Saturday 20:00 – -00:00Plot runs out and Skills can be used. Game Team are available for assistance. Act specific Skills reset at the start of the Act unless they state otherwise.
Transition (Saturday Night)Sunday 00:00 – 09:59No plot or skills which require Game Team will run. Attendees have the opportunity to sleep but may continue roleplaying in designated in-character areas.
EpilogueSunday 10:00 – 13:00This period exists to allow attendees to wrap up remaining plot threads or personal roleplay with other characters. It also allows attendees to leave the game earlier should they so wish.

The specific Act structure for the next event can be found here.