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The Unified Arts Coalition

Aka: “The UNAC”
Current relationship with Equinox: Allies

The disappearance of the entire population of Mystic, Connecticut at the turn of the Millennium changed everything. For the first time in modern memory, the paranatural was clear for all to see and as the international press and countless online forums began to band around theories as to the cause of the ‘Modern Roanoke’, several government agencies began to work tirelessly behind the scenes to determine what events had led up to the disaster. Equinox was one such agency. 

What little these organisations found, would have seemed absurd in any other circumstance but the unexplainable events at Mystic led each to reach one conclusion – that a disastrous paranatural event had occurred, slowly and insidiously under their noses. Seemingly caused by a group of individuals with exceptional paranatural abilities, these perpetrators had caused smaller paranatural events to occur around the world which ultimately had led to the death or disappearance of all involved. Worst of all, it seemed that the citizens of Mystic had been caught in the crossfire of whatever conflict had erupted between the two groups. Many details continued to remain sketchy but one thing was agreed – nothing like what had occurred in Mystic, could be allowed to happen again. 

In order to facilitate cooperation between governments in light of this worldwide event, the UN quietly brought together each team to form the Unified Arts Coalition or UNAC for short. Tasked with investigating paranatural phenomena and sharing best practice, the UNAC set to work trying to decipher the mysteries before them. Both Equinox and the Bureau provided dedicated agents to the cause.   

The last decade however has not been kind to the UNAC. While initially the organisation made several notable discoveries immediately in the wake of its formation, it did not take long for its various leads to run dry, national interests to set in and for certain member groups to become disenfranchised by the cause (most notably of all the Bureau). Still the UNAC has refused to give up on its mission and has instead adapted to being a small organisation made up of some of the world’s leading experts on the paranatural. 

Equinox and the UNAC continue to retain close ties with one another. Both have undertaken joint operations with one another in the past and several Equinox members have either joined or have previously worked for the UNAC in some capacity. The UNAC also has a permanent office of operation in the UK – allowing it to assist Equinox more readily than some of its other member organisations.

That is not to say however that relations are entirely perfect. The UNAC’s goals and objectives are to protect all humanity against threats posed by the paranatural – including Equinox’s enemies or those who have put themselves deliberately in harm’s way. In order to facilitate this goal, the UNAC also works diligently to maintain friendly relations not only with all paranatural organisations (whether officially recognised or otherwise) but also all paranatural entities. Only once all peaceful means of resolving the situation have been achieved will the UNAC consider retaliatory action – by which time, it can often be too late. It’s for this reason that the Institute often uses its discretion as to whether it will bring a paranatural incident to the UNAC’s attention or not.

Still, the UNAC remains a vital ally in a world where paranatural phenomena cares little for national borders and where information can spread like a wildfire. So long as the Institute sticks to its original aims of protecting the people of the United Kingdom and its allies, then the UNAC will be there for them – so long as they can offer their support in time.

References and Inspiration:

The UNAC are heavily inspired by UNIT from Doctor Who as well as by SHIELD from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Chaldea Security Organisation from the Fate Franchise.