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The Paranatural

Anything anomalous, unnatural or supernatural can be readily described as “paranatural”. Paranatural phenomena can take many forms but can include people, places, artefacts, entities or even events.


Equinox’s approach to the paranatural is to have a Cell carry out a detailed investigation into each phenomena to readily determine its origin and nature before deciding how it should be managed. Once the Cell has carried out its investigation, it is to determine the best means of managing the paranatural phenomena going forward. This is always done in light of the Institute’s primary purpose which is to ensure the UK and its allies are protected from the threat posed by the paranatural.

There are four (commonly) known categories of managing the paranatural:

  • Containment – this means that, where possible, the paranatural phenomena is to be secured and locked away. How this is carried out is dependent on the paranatural phenomena in question. An item might be simply placed within a secure container in a Cell’s warehouse while a location may be surrounded by a fence and outpost of guards preventing members of the public from being exposed to the phenomena’s paranatural influence.
  • Utilisation – some paranatural phenomena are useful to the Institute and so are utilised for a myriad of purposes. Where a paranatural phenomena has this categorisation, it means that it is to be actively used by a Cell within Equinox.
  • Neutralisation – the paranatural phenomena must be removed, destroyed or disabled in some manner.
  • Abandonment – for whatever reason, the paranatural phenomena is to be left alone. This may be because it is impossible for it to be contained, utilised or destroyed or because to do anything in relation to the phenomena in question, would put Equinox in breach of its aim of protecting others from the threat posed by the paranatural.

Once categorised, a Cell will look to deal with the paranatural phenomena accordingly. Sometimes sub-categories arise where the attempt to manage the paranatural has additional complications. For example a categorisation of “Utilisation (Pending)” means that the Cell is looking to utilise the paranatural phenomena in question but either awaits sign-off or has been unable to successfully utilise the phenomena in question.

Because Equinox Cells are free to manage themselves (including their paperwork) their is little consistency when it comes to sub-categories of categorisation and individual Cells are encouraged to be clear in their paperwork submitted back to Headquarters as to what purpose a sub-category serves when set out alongside one of the main forms of categorisation.

Known Paranatural Phenomena

The below is a list of paranatural phenomena which are known to Equinox. This list is not intended to be fully comprehensive: