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Game Overview

The Equinox Institute LRP is a modern-day, limited-run LRP system focussed around a fictitious secret organisation founded by Queen Elizabeth I and tasked with protecting the United Kingdom from occult and extraterrestrial threats to its people known as ‘The Equinox Institute’ (more commonly known as either ‘The Institute’ or ‘Equinox’). Quietly backed by the British government, its members consist of agents, analysts, researchers, physicians and occultists all of whom are tasked with ensuring that the many mysteries of the universe are identified, studied and where necessary, contained or destroyed. 

Attendees take on the role of members of Equinox carrying out investigations on behalf of the organisation as events begin to unfold that suggest a greater threat is approaching that could see Equinox’s future hanging in the balance.The Equinox Institute LRP is intended to be a low rules, high-threat LRP with a modern setting. Character experience is measured in missions survived and experience gained. Death is a real possibility and is unfortunately common. What ‘power’ that does exist is limited and usually comes at a heavy price.

Our Game SYSTEM Requirements

When designing and creating our game, we have sought to stick to the following game requirements:

  • A LARP System with no more than 30 players at any given time.
  • A LARP which is not 24-hour time-in but allows for characters to roleplay during periods of rest.
  • Characters are specialists not generalists.
  • Combat is designed to feel dangerous with death always a bullet or blade away.
  • Healing (whether physical, psychological or paranatural) is a process which takes time and requires conscious decision making in order to heal issues alleviating an individual. There are consequences for both success and failure in this regard.
  • Research takes place in up-time with tactile in the field research to identify relevant research threads and quick turn-around times to provide answers to researcher’s questions.
  • Skills are designed where possible to be intuitive and require minimal Game Team interaction.
  • Resources can be found in the in-game environment but are primarily obtainable through Skills. The rarer/more valuable the resource the harder it is to find in the in-game environment and the longer it takes to obtain through Skills.
  • Items, places or people with “paranatual powers” have a notable cost or downside.
  • Mechanics are designed to encourage meaningful RP interactions between attendees. We aim to reward collaboration between characters using different Skills wherever possible.

You may enjoy playing ‘the Equinox institute lrp’ IF

  • You enjoy horror in the context of an alternative modern-world setting with a focus on a gritty, realistic tone;
  • You want to explore a universe with intriguing world building and several paranatural and political mysteries to be uncovered;
  • You want to play a game where your character’s skills and specialisation are likely to be uniquely your own within a small but dedicated player base;
  • You enjoy collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding to help establish your character or group’s position within the context of the wider gameworld;
  • You want to play a LRP where combat is an option but is not the solution to the problems or challenges your character is facing; and
  • You want intense roleplay opportunities focussed on immersive storytelling and character driven drama.