Aka: Equinox London
Location: The Tower of London
Classification: Headquarters
Total Number of Staff: 262
Also known as: “The Tower“
Equinox 1 is Equinox’s primary headquarters and the largest Equinox Cell. Based out of the Tower of London, Equinox 1 currently employs approximately one third of the Institute’s total staff.
Equinox 1 is a large catch-all site with above ground offices for handling administrative work and subterranean sectors primarily used for research into the paranatural. In addition to this, Equinox 1 also contains the secure meeting facilities where the Court are able to convene and discuss issues affecting the wider organisation. Due to its amenities, many consultants and independent agents in operation around the country regularly travel to Equinox 1 to carry out their work and, ultimately, call the base their home.
Notably, Equinox 1 houses very little in the way of paranatural relics, entities or persons. Of those that are stored at the site, many are of scientific interest and pose a low level of risk to staff and the public. This does not mean Equinox 1 is poorly guarded however – some of the organisations’ best security experts call Equinox 1 their home, working diligently to ensure its members are protected and that nothing is brought in or taken out of the heart of the Institute without their knowledge.
Major Historical Events
Historically, Equinox 1 has been the centre of a number of major events for the organisation. The first iteration of Equinox, the School of Night, originally met at the Tower in the reign of Elizabeth I and many meetings held between the Institute and the Crown have taken place at the Tower over the centuries.
At the height of the Decade of Darkness, Equinox 1 was the site of a large battle between its predecessor, the Royal Society of the Paranatural and the Noblesse Oblige. In the wake of that conflict, known as the Battle of Bloody Tower, many paranatural phenomena were lost. It was this particular altercation that ultimately led to the Tower being used primarily as an administrative command centre, rather than a secure storage facility for the paranatural.
Notable Members
The following individuals are notable members of Equinox 1:
- Lucas Hammond;
- Lysander ‘Andi’ Hawthorne;
- Cassandra Larsen;
- Jonathan Moses; and
- Eliza Rencheau.
More information on each of these members can be found on our Staff Bios page.
Equinox 1 serves as the catch-all “cell” for all characters who are not part of another player-created cell. Being based in the heart of London it is also the political arm of the group and is where all manner of conspiracies take place that spread out to the other Cells that make up the Institute accordingly. Regardless of class or specialisation, Equinox 1 is welcoming to all members of the Institute and even if your character has never been a member of Equinox 1, it is possible that your character may have visited this site at one stage or another during the course of their career with Equinox.