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Content and Themes

  • The Equinox Institute Game Team is a supernatural horror LRP game which deals with adult topics. As a result, it is entirely possible a number of sensitive themes may occur which are specific to the plot of the event. These topics will be brought to the attention of attendees prior to bookings opening for the event and, if relevant topics change in the lead-up to the event, The Equinox Institute Game Team, will bring these to the attention of attendees as soon as reasonably possible. 
  • Regardless of event-specific themes and topics, there are some themes and topics which will never appear within our game. These are outlined below.

The Equinox Institute divides its themes into three categories:

  • Core Themes – These are themes which are hard to avoid entirely and which will likely arise during the course of the game. 
  • Restricted ThemesThese are themes or topics which attendees may discuss in-character or reference in their backstories but which have restrictions in place for those wishing to discuss or interact with them. Attendees may discuss restricted themes but must always be aware of the comfort and safety of others in attendance should these topics arise. 

    If a Restricted Theme arises during the course of play which an attendees feels uncomfortable about, they are encouraged to use our safety mechanics to change topic or leave the scene.

    It is possible for Restricted Themes (see below) to become a Core Themes on an event by event basis and The Equinox Institute Game Team will alert attendees to this being the case as soon as reasonably possible where this occurs. If a Restricted Theme is not a Core Theme for the event, then this means there will be no plot directly or indirectly referencing these themes during the course of the event. 
  • Banned ThemesBanned themes will and should not appear in the game in any way. They should not appear in backgrounds or briefings and attendees should not make any reference to them as part of their roleplay. 

Our list of Restricted and Banned Themes is not exhaustive and is based on the Game Team’s own experience and best judgement. It is always subject to change. If you are looking to attend one of our events and are concerned about any of the topics listed, please email us at for further information and we will see what we can do to make our games more comfortable for you. 

The latest version of our Content and Themes List and their categories can be found below:


Theme or TopicCategoryGame Team Comments
Amnesia and Memory LossCoreThe game features drugs that allow for characters’ memories to be removed, regained or manipulated. This is heavily controlled by the game team but is a core game theme. 
Death (Character or NPC)CoreAll characters at the event have the possibility of dying. It is not possible to opt out of our death and dying mechanics and accordingly this theme will be present at all of our events. 
Discrimination: Paranatural CoreThere is in-game bigotry based on whether an individual has paranatural abilities or physical features (such as horns, tails, etc), uses paranatural objects, is under the influence of the paranatural or has a view on how paranatural phenomena should be dealt with.
Disease & Medical Health IssuesCoreThis includes Character Backgrounds which involve long term health issues, or Condition Cards that are gained through play.
GaslightingCoreThe game features a core theme of upholding the masquerade. This along with the manipulation of memories and lying to others makes it a core theme of the game. 
Mind Control/Supernatural Charm and Removal of AgencyCoreIt is not unknown for paranatural phenomena to influence behaviour and this can lead to a reduction in agency. This is heavily controlled by the game team but is a core game theme. 
Violence, Gore and Body HorrorCoreThis includes physical injuries to your character and others as well as general body horror. For the avoidance of doubt this also includes damage to eyes and blood.
Discrimination: AgeRestricted See our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: Disability (Mental Health)RestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: GenderRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: NationalityRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: Religion or BeliefRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: SexRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: Sexual OrientationRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Domestic ViolenceRestricted Backgrounds which suggest a character has committed domestic violence will not be approved by The Equinox Institute Game Team.
Freezing to DeathRestricted 
Harm to AnimalsRestricted 
Harm to ChildrenRestrictedBackgrounds which suggest a character has committed harm against a child in their past will not be approved by The Equinox Institute Game Team.
Natural Disasters/Severe WeatherRestricted 
Paralysis/Physical RestraintRestricted 
Police/Police AggressionRestricted 
PregnancyRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Romance, Sex and Pregnancy
Religion or CultsRestricted 
RomanceRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Romance, Sex and Pregnancy
SexRestrictedSee our commentary on this topic – “Romance, Sex and Pregnancy
Thirst (Dehydration)Restricted 
Discrimination: Dietary Requirements/ChoicesBanned 
Discrimination: Disability (Physical)Banned 
Discrimination: Language ProficiencyBanned 
Discrimination: Physical Form, Condition or AppearanceBannedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Discrimination: Relationship StatusBanned 
Discrimination: Race or EthnicityBannedSee our commentary on this topic – “Discrimination in Game “.
Forced Abortion, Miscarriage and Still-BirthBanned 
Genital Mutilation or CastrationBanned 
Non-Consensual Sex BannedFor the avoidance of doubt this includes: rape and any reference to sex with minors or animals.
Sexual Coercion and/or ViolenceBanned