The booking process for The Equinox Institute “Episode 1: Idle Tears” is as follows:
1. Complete the Expression of Interest Form
If you are interested in attending The Equinox Institute as a player, please fill in the Expression of Interest form. A copy of the Expression of Interest Form can be found here.
This form contains the following requirements, which you should consider before or during the completion of your form:
- Your Name (this does not need to be your legal name but must be a name which you can be readily recognised by including surname);
- Emergency Contact Details – including the name of your emergency contact, their phone number and relationship to you;
- Your Ticket Type Selection (more information of which can be found here);
- Your Character Class Preferences, specifically:
- Your Top Character Class Preference and then your second, third, four and last preference for Character Class; and
- The Specialisation of your Top Character Class Preference.
We collect this information in order to determine what Classes our attendees are interested in playing at our event and to ensure a balance of Classes at the event. Wherever possible, we will look to assign an attendee to their first or second character preference but will look to communicate our process for distribution with attendees prior to attendees finalising their characters with us. Attendees are not bound to their first choice of Specialisation and may change this prior to completing the Character Creation process.
- Cell Booking Preference – If you wish to book as part of a cell you may include 1 or 2 other names at this stage.
The Expression of Interest Form for Episode 1 closes at 23:59 on Tuesday 3rd December.
2. Review the List of Interested Attendees
As part of the submission of an Expression of Interest Form, an attendee agrees to their name (this being the name the individual is most commonly known by and not their legal name) being shared with other attendees for the purposes of safe-guarding. This is done by the email distribution of a list of possible attendees which includes other players, cast members and members of the Game Team. We will look to update this regularly in the run-up to the Expression of Interest Form closing.
Should you have any concerns of issues with an individual on the List of Interested Attendees, please review our Reporting Policy and provide us with further details in line with the policy so we can action accordingly.
3. Wait until the Lottery/Silent Auction Deadline
Once you have submitted your Expression of Interest form, you will need to wait until the date of the Lottery and Silent Auction which will be revealed by a live draw. For more information on the process by which we handle this, please see the Ticket Information section.
The Live Draw for Episode 1 will take place at 21.00 on Thursday 5th December 2024. Information on how to access this stream will be communicated to attendees closer to the date.
4. Ticket Offers and Payment
Once tickets have been distributed in line with our Lottery and Silent Auction processes, successful individuals will be emailed with payment information. Individuals who unsuccessfully obtain a place will be sent an email confirming their position on the Waiting List. Please see the the Ticketing Information section below for further details on how to confirm your place once a ticket has been confirmed.
We expect to send out Ticket Offers, Payment Information and Waiting List information on Friday 6th December 2024.
4. Character and group creation
Once we have received payment from our attendees, we will arrange for information to be sent out confirming an attendees designated Character Class for the event and details on how to complete Character and Cell Creation for the event. Wherever possible, we will look to assign an attendee to their first or second character preference but will look to communicate our process for distribution with attendees prior to attendees finalising their characters with us.
We expect to send out information with respect to Character and Cell Creation during the early part of December 2024. Further information regarding this will be sent out to successful attendees via email, our Facebook Group and Discord.