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Conditions, Show-Me Lammies and Envelopes

The Equinox Institute LARP makes use of two mechanical systems that represent attempts to affect or change your character. These systems are known as Condition Cards (“Conditions”)  and Show-Me Lammies. We also use Lammies and Envelopes to impart information without the need for a member of the Game Team to be present.


Condition Cards represent lingering effects that have affected your character. Often these are gained during the course of the event though some characters may start play with a Condition Card by way of their Background. An example Condition Card can be seen below:

Condition Cards take a wide variety of forms but can include: injuries received in combat, the lingering effects of mind-altering drugs and paranatural sigils left on your character’s person. Usually the Condition will set out the means by which a character can begin treating the influence to their person, though some Conditions may be permanent in nature or their means of being removed might be deliberately obscured. Each condition card will have at least one trait listed on it that may interact with things in the game such as Specialities. 

Some Classes have Specialisations that allow characters to resist certain types of Condition Cards. Where a character is able to resist the card, they should use the “Resist” call with the individual providing the Condition Card.

Conditions have a variety of mechanical and/or roleplay effects and attendees are encouraged to follow the roleplay instructions on the Condition Card to the best of their ability. 

Show-Me Lammies

A Show-Me Lammie is a card which an attendee can show to another attendee indicating an ability that intends to affect, influence or change the character to whom it is being shown. 

The Show-Me Lammie will usually set out either a roleplay or mechanical effect (or sometimes both) which once the target has had the opportunity to read and take-in the contents, should be role-played to the best of their ability in accordance with the instructions set out on the Show-Me Lammie. An example Show-Me Lammie can be seen below:

Some Class Specialisations grant characters the ability to use of Show-Me Lammies. Similarly, certain characters can resist the abilities shown on a Show-Me Lammie. Where this is the case, the target of the Show-Me Lammie should use the “Resist” call with the individual using the Show-Me Lammie.


Found on weapons and items these will detail the rules on how to use these items and who can use them.


Envelopes will be associated with places or items and have the name of a class, a specialisation or other specific identifier written on the outside and information inside them. If you match any of the identifiers on the outside of the envelope you can open it and read the contents. Unless instructed otherwise please then place the information back into the envelope and return it to where you found it.