The Equinox Institute LRP is committed to accessibility and will always aim to make as many reasonable adjustments as possible to accommodate any attendees with disabilities who wish to attend their events.
As such, any prospective attendee should expect the following as a standard from The Equinox Institute LRP:
- That we will be as proactive as possible in signposting accessibility difficulties with their venues ahead of time, so that attendees can make informed decisions if it is able to meet their accessibility requirements.
- That we will look to select venues which will at minimum have accessible rooms on site when offering accommodation.
- That we will ensure any recorded media present at games have transcripts or subtitles available to attendees.
- That we will ensure written briefs can be delivered verbally by a member of the Game Team.
- That we will ensure all texts and Show-Me lammies can be made available in different colours and fonts on request.
- That self-catered and catered events will be able to cater to dietary requirements.
- That we will ensure our events never require attendees to have the ability to engage in combat.
- That we will ensure there are always available charging points to power accessibility equipment.
The Equinox Institute LRP also acknowledges that everyone will have different accessibility needs, so ask that prospective attendees get in contact via where they can discuss further on what accessibility supports can be put in place for them.