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Equinox 74

Aka: Equinox Kidderminster

Location: Drakelow Tunnels, Kidderminster
Classification: Observation and Research
Total Number of Staff: 5
Also known as:  “Black Knight Logistics” or “Equinox Black Knight

Equinox 74 is an expansive underground facility located within Drakelow Tunnels in north Kidderminster. Equinox 74 specialises in the research and development of technologies relating to the paranatural. This primarily concerns exploration into various means of tracking anomalies in order to determine their use and arrange for their containment or destruction. 

One notable paranatural phenomena that is under the purview of Equinox 74 is the “Black Knight Satellite”, a (possibly) paranatural satellite orbiting the Earth which is rumoured to be broadcasting a signal of unknown origin. Using the cover name of “Black Knight Logistics”, Equinox 74 is responsible for observing the satellite, monitoring its signals and ensuring other organisations or groups do not discover or interfere with the object as it continues to orbit the Earth. 

The site boasts an expansive tunnel network spanning a total length of around 3.5 miles and covering 285,000 square feet – making it physically one of the Institute’s largest centres. The site itself houses various storage rooms, a medium size data storage room, shelters and appropriate containment cells for the study and research of any anomalies the Cell discovers. However, due to its size and the history of its construction, it is notably harder to maintain and up-keep compared to other similar facilities. For this reason, the Court maintains a closer eye on the on-going cost of running the site compared to some other Cells.

Major Historical Events

Drakelow Tunnels was a top-secret underground military complex that was built in 1941 to 1942 to act as a shadow-factory during the Second World War. In 1961, the British Government converted half of the facility into a regional seat of government in the event of a nuclear war. It was during this period the Equinox Institute claimed half of the site for the purpose of containing and researching paranatural phenomena. 

In 1993 the facility was decommissioned by the Ministry of Defence following which the Equinox Institute took over control of the entire site. Publicly the site is considered to be condemned and derelict which poses the perfect cover for Equinox 74 to carry out its operations in the area.


The following individuals are notable members of Equinox 58:

  • Julian “Jude” Holloway (Spokesperson); and
  • Sebastian Lake.

More information on both of these members can be found on our Staff Bios page.


Equinox 74 is a Player-Created Cell. The current out-of-character group leader of the Cell is Jason Artemis Winstanley.

The photo for this page was provided by Dave Hill  under a Creative Commons Licence. This photo has been edited. A copy of the original photo can be found here.