Current relationship with Equinox: Allies
It is an unfortunate fact of reality that, very rarely, do individuals interacting with the paranatural have a safe experience. The lucky ones survive though often scarred and confused by the experience. The unlucky ones die or, as evidenced by the events in Mystic, Connecticut – vanish. In their wake, their families and friends are left wanting answers.
The Davies Group is a charity based in the UK dedicated to providing counselling and support to family and friends of missing persons – specifically, those who disappeared due to paranatural events. The group was founded in the early 2000s by Alex and Rowan Davies, two former Equinox agents, whose son was in Mystic when the population of the town went missing. Understanding the city had been affected by a paranatural event but that others would not have the luxury of knowing this was the case, the Davies worked with Equinox to establish a charity to offer support and assistance to groups affected by paranatural events. Alex and Rowan stood down from their positions in Equinox to lead the initiative which is something they continue to work on to this day.
Despite its ties to the paranatural, the majority of the group’s membership have no knowledge of its existence. All volunteers do know however what it is like to lose a loved one and have no immediate answers as to what happened to them. The group does not have vast amounts of resources or hundreds of members and it cannot help Equinox when the monsters are banging on the door. What they can do however is refer strange events to Equinox in the hope that an investigation will follow and provide answers for the families of those affected. This local knowledge and support is invaluable in helping the Institute identify paranatural phenomena they might not have otherwise noticed. Additionally, the Davies Group have also been known to offer counselling and other mundane support services to Equinox’s own members where they or their families are affected by unexplained events.
Most importantly however, the Davies Group are a constant reminder to Equinox that for all its hard work, it cannot protect everyone from the effects of the paranatural but they can offer comfort and compassion to those left behind.
References and Inspiration:
The Davies Group are inspired by Yuri’s Group from Hunter: The Vigil, the Support Group from the Torchwood episode ‘Adrift’ and the London Investigation ‘N’ Detective Agency (“LINDA”) from the Doctor Who episode ‘Love and Monsters’.