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The Agrippina Athenaeum

Aka: “The Athenaeum”
Current relationship with Equinox: Neutral

A small academic institution based out of numerous cities around the world, The Agrippina Athenaeum specialises in keeping a detailed record of paranatural events throughout history. It does this by collecting first-hand accounts from members of the public and, on rare occasions, by seeking out paranatural relics for safe retention and storage. In order to incentivise an otherwise skeptical public to share this valuable information, the Athenaeum offers a significant monetary reward to any individual who can provide substantive, detailed information on their encounters with the strange and unknown.

Such an archive would be of concern to Equinox, if it weren’t for the fact the Athenaeum seems to take active steps to remove the information from the public record once it has been recorded. This takes many forms, from the destruction of evidence to the application of amnestics to remove an individual’s memories once their testimony has been submitted to the record. Such an approach has caused difficulties for Equinox when, on more than one occasion, it has chased a potential lead only to discover the Athenaeum had gotten their first. 

Why then has Equinox not shut down the Athenaeum’s operations? Well, because the Athenaeum is happy to share information within its collection – for a price. 

Commonly, this price is information on paranatural topics not in the Athenaeum’s collection. The Athenaeum values such information greatly but makes it clear to whosoever it deals with that any information shared will be censored publicly once received. In order to ensure an individual’s own records are not targeted, the Athenaeum often demands more from those seeking information from its libraries than that it gives out in return. 

Regular patrons are offered the opportunity to set up an “information-sharing agreement” with the Athenaeum instead. In these circumstances, the Athenaeum sends low level staff, commonly known as “recorders” to act as assistants and consultants for individuals and organisations. These recorders accompany patrons on investigations, taking records of events for inclusion in the Athenaeum. In return, the Athenaeum does not censor the events that took place unless it is asked to do so. It does however expect anyone it works with to uphold secrecy above all things. To that end, it refuses to work with groups who have a history of sharing the existence of paranatural with the public. 

Yet despite Equinox having an “information-sharing agreement” with the Athenaeum, Equinox refuses to enter into a formal alliance with the Athenaeum. 

Part of the reason is the secrecy surrounding the Agrippina Athenaeum itself. Equinox is unable to determine exactly when the organisation was founded or who exactly is in charge, with its earliest records suggesting it rose to prominence during the late Victorian era. There are other mysteries too but despite attempts to bargain for this information, the Athenaeum has refused to comment. What’s intriguing however is that its own recorders don’t seem to know either…

Then there is the fact the Athenaeum is as mercenary as they come. Equinox is under no misunderstanding that it and the Athenaeum have anything but a transactional relationship. The Institute knows the Athenaeum shares information with its allies as readily as it does its enemies. This means information shared with the Athenaeum is always a security concern and one which each individual Equinox cell quickly learns to manage themselves when a recorder joins their team. 

In short, the Athenaeum is an enigma shrouded in mystery – to be treated at arm’s length until it divulges the information it so diligently clings to. Whether this alliance of convenience between the Institute and the Athenaeum will hold in the face of events to come, remains to be seen…

References and Inspiration:

The Agrippina Athenaeum is inspired by The Magnus Archives from the titular podcast series, the Aegis Kai Doru from Hunter the Vigil and The Wanderer’s Library, the sister site to the SCP Foundation.