Name: Chris Lamb
Pronouns: They/She/He (Genderfluid – Please Enquire)
Role: Head of Game and Creative Director
Chris Lamb, also known as ‘Lambie’, is an experienced LRP writer and event organiser, best known as the visionary behind Reality Checkpoint LRP’s iconic ‘Before the End’ LRP anthology. Known for their love of psychological and existential horror, Chris has written and produced several LRPs for other systems including SlenderLRP, ReGenesis and the Lorien Trust where they acted as Head of Plot from 2016 until 2018.
Chris views Live Action Roleplaying as a collaborative experience, where all attendees should be given the opportunity to shape and craft not only their character’s narratives but also that of the world they inhabit. They look forward to seeing what the future holds for the Equinox Institute and indeed the world it inhabits in the events that are to come.
Favourite Inspirational Media:
Torchwood: Children of Earth. The five episode series is the cumulation of years of worldbuilding and terrific storytelling. We are united with a team of alien investigators, still haunted by their recent losses and the world changing events they have taken part in. Close relationships have formed and it seems the group is ready to rebuild. Then a secret long hidden in the past rears its ugly head and threatens to tear them and their world apart. With a compelling mystery, high stakes, adult topics and a focus on both alien and political threats – it is the perfect inspiration for the stories that The Equinox Institute wants to tell.

Name: Lucille (Lux) Guthrie
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: Producer
Lux started volunteering at LRP events to support Matthew around 10 years ago but has since supported a variety of systems including the Lorien Trust (NPC and back stage), Twisted Tales (Monster Room and Reffing), the Unfinished Tome (Games Control) and Before The End (Reffing).
She likes helping LRPs run because she enjoys the logistical challenge and enjoys bringing the high emotion and feelings of success she enjoyed in her initial LRP years.
Favourite Inspirational Media:
CSI, 9-1-1, Bones and other procedural investigation series – complex relationships with a background of investigation and storied history.

Name: Matthew Guthrie
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: Producer (Plot Writing and Rules)
Matthew Guthrie, usually know as just Guthrie has been involved with LRP in various formats for nearly 20 years at time of writing. He has volunteered helping to run and then taking a lead on the University of Nottingham RPGsoc LRP system helping to take it from a small system to one running regular weekend events. Alongside that he has volunteered for the LT as a staff ref, factional plot rep and now as part of the world plot team. He also is part of the team running The Unfinished Tome, a game happy to pay back the support that Reality Checkpoint has offered to them.
Guthrie believes that LRP can be used as a tool to explore and experience in a safe way all kinds of situations that otherwise people would not find themselves in. He wants to give other people some of the highs and impactful experiences that he has been able to have via LRP and is always looking for a new game to play and take inspiration from.
Favourite Inspirational Media:
Stormlight Archive – the combined stories of a person who thinks they are going mad, his children who have to deal with his shadow, another person who’s personality is at risk of fragmenting because of their own actions and one who battles depression to protect those around him. All against a backdrop of world changing events, where secrets of the past threaten to shatter their world views.

Name: Minna Lamb
Pronouns: She/They
Role: Producer (Rules and Accessibility)
Minna has been a LRP enthusiast for over 10 years, and has previously helped with the logistics of two Regenesis LRP player led events. Minna has vast experience in project management and organisation thanks to their day job, skills which they are excited to apply as they help with the running of The Equinox Institute.
They enjoy LRPs where every player, no matter their playstyle, is able to feel like they have made an impact and had a chance to tell a story with their character.
Favourite Inspirational Media:
Narrative horror games. Everything from Alan Wake, What Remains of Edith Finch, Resident Evil: Village, Until Dawn and anything else in between – Tales that tell of those trapped by people who slowly but surely realise the horrible circumstances that they are trapped in and will never be able to escape or forget about fully…
Name: David Ross Shaw
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: Producer (Technology and Architecture)
David Ross Shaw aka Bro Ro is an Engineering Leader by profession and has been an active member of the UK LARP community for over a decade.
Having undertaken front and back of house roles across the full gamut of the hobby David is often found adding technical complexity in the name of “fun” or stripping game designs back to their underlying design truthes and applying Systems Thinking methodologies in an attempt more effectively target the goals of the game.
David enjoys playing and creating LARPs which encourage and reward logic and courage. His personal goal is to create memories which tracnend the immediate community involved at the time and which are spoken about with reverence and awe having taken on a life of their own.
More about me: Dyslexic, ADHD, INTJ
Favourite Inspirational Media:
The West Wing – Phenomenally sharp writing, a pace that demands complete attention and technical detail and complexity to rival the best procedural dramas. 152 episodes of brilliance that literally left David in stunned silence for a good 5 minutes at its conclusion: “I point out truths when I see them“