Classes represent your character’s role in The Equinox Institute. Once you have selected your Class, your character will gain access to a:
- Class Skill – Which is an ability shared by all characters in a given class and represents the broad training or intuition that comes with the role; and a
- Specialisation – Which is a skill which represents your character’s area of expertise. Each Class has a number of Specialisations and you must select one of these at character creation.
The five classes available to attendees are:
- Field Agent – Primarily responsible for carrying out investigations in the field as well as acting as internal security when threats take a more violent turn. This class suits attendees who want to be tougher than others and actively involved in physical combat;
- Intelligence Analyst – Vital in identifying potential leads, securing resources and liaising with groups of interest, analysts are also good at filtering useful intelligence from rumour and hearsay. This class suits attendees who want characters with social specialisations and the ability to offer support to others;
- Paranaturals – Individuals who have abilities which are beyond the scope of human comprehension and science. Such powers always come with a price and Equinox controls its’ Paranaturals fiercely. This class suits individuals who want to play characters cursed with power, navigating the balance between being human and something more…
- Physicians – Responsible for the physical, mental and spiritual well being of Equinox’s membership and anybody under its protection. This class suits attendees who enjoy interacting with and supporting other characters while managing increasingly complex problems which affect their patients; and
- Researchers – Researchers are individuals with specialist academic and scientific backgrounds who contribute to Equinox’s understanding of the paranatural and its place in the world. This class suits attendees who like characters who like to play specialised knowledge gathering roles.