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Safety Calls

  • There are a series of Universal Safety Calls which can be used by any person at the event. These are designed to establish clear boundaries to other attendees and are expected to be respected no matter the circumstances in which they are used.
  • All Universal Safety Calls bar ‘OC: FIRST AID’ have a vocal and physical means of being expressed.
  • These calls may never be used to derive an in-character benefit and a violation of this rule shall be dealt with sternly and with haste.

The Equinox Institute is an assumed non-contact game. You must not physically touch another attendee without their explicit consent which can be withdrawn at any time. You may always go out of character to check, obtain or refuse consent for physical contact.

To assist us in making sure The Equinox Institute is a safe event for our attendees to attend, we have a number of Safety Calls which are in place. It is expected that all attendees will familiarise themselves with these safety calls as they would with any of the other rules in place for the game. These are summarised below:

OC: first aid

Any attendee may use ‘OC: FIRST AID’ if they become aware of an injury to another player. It can also be used to alert others to an immediate or imminent risk or emergency to other attendees (including fire, flooding, etc). If you hear this call:

  • You must immediately cease all play and go out-of-character; and
  • Respond to the situation at hand as appropriate. This may include fetching a member of crew.

Attendees may go back in-character when a member of Game Team informs them that they are able to do so. Where no member of Game Team is present, attendees may go back in-character following the unanimous agreement of all others present that the situation has been resolved.

OC: Check in (and responses to these)

Any attendee may use ‘OC: CHECK-IN’ to check if another attendee is okay.  If an attendee uses this call towards you:

  • May choose to respond in a manner which is most comfortable to you. This includes not responding at all, using one of the physical hand gestures below or making use of another Universal Safety Call.

If you witness this call between two other attendees, you are expected to continue roleplaying as normal.

This rule exists to allow attendees to check on one another’s well-being throughout the event without breaking character. 

Physical responses to ‘OC: CHECK IN‘ include:

  • OK Symbol: The attendee flashes the ‘OK’ symbol with their thumb and index finger touching in an ‘O’ while establishing eye contact. This should be treated as if the ‘OC: CHECK IN’ call has been used.
  • Thumbs-Up: This means that the individual is doing fine and there is no need for a follow-up. Using this physical gesture proactively while maintaining eye contact with another attendee, indicates to them that you are comfortable with the situation that is on-going.
  • Thumbs-Down: This means that the individual is not doing okay and may need assistance exiting a situation or bringing it to a close. Using this physical gesture proactively does not require eye contact and indicates to another individual that you want the situation to deescalate or stop using the ‘OC: CUT’ call as required.
  • Wavering Flat Hand: This means that the individual is unsure how they are feeling about the current situation. Anybody who witnesses this, should treat this as a thumbs down until the attendee is comfortable enough to reengage.

As set out above, physical responses to ‘OC: CHECK IN’ may be used proactively without the need for the ‘OC: CHECK IN’ call to have been used prior to this. 


Any attendee may use ‘OC: BACK OFF’ at any time, for any reason. If an attendee uses this call: 

  • You must immediately cease all physical contract you have with them;
  • You must not initiate physical contact with them in the future unless they approach you first and grant explicit permission;
  • You must not ask them to explain their use of the call; and
  • You must continue roleplaying as normal.
  • This rule exists to establish personal boundaries between attendees and to enforce personal space.

    Physical Response:
  • Where an attendee raises either one or both hands directly in front of them with their palm exposed, this should be treated as if the ‘OC: BACK OFF’ call has been used.


Any attendee may use ‘OC: STOP’ if they need to immediately disengage from play for out of character welfare reasons. If an attendee uses this call:

  • You must immediately cease interacting with them both IC and OC;
  • You must not ask for them to explain their use of the call; and
  • You must continue roleplaying as normal.
  • Any attendee who makes use of this call, is asked to leave the in-character area as soon as is practical for them. Attendees may wish to speak to a member of Game Team or retire to their sleeping area. Attendees may re-enter play whenever they are ready to do so.

    Physical Response:
  • Where an attendee raises their hand to shield their eyes, this is should be treated as if the ‘OC: STOP’ call has been used.

OC: Don’t Mind Me

  • When a member of the Game Team uses the “OC: Don’t Mind Me,” they are performing tasks in the play space that are unrelated to the in-character narrative. Players should ignore them and continue roleplaying as if they are not present.

CONTEMPLATING the situation”

Any attendee may state that either themselves or another character has been “Contemplating the Siutation“. This phrase exists as an in-character reason for why an individual has had to take out-of-character time away from the game. If an attendee informs you that they or another attendee has been “contemplating the situation” you are to accept the explanation and move on with the scene without comment.