Categorisation: Utilised
Also known as: “The CURSED Sovereign’s Ruby” or “The Ruby”
Currently in use at: Equinox 1 (“Equinox London”)

The Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby primary paranatural effect is that it provides significant protection and enhanced fortune to its wearer. Individuals who wear the Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby for an extended period of 24 hours or more exhibit markedly prolonged lifespans, enhanced resilience to physical harm and an increase in postive stochasitc outcomes (better known as “good luck”).
In addition to this, the Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby is known to manifest “Apparitions”. These incorporeal entities always appear in silhouette and dressed in black, hooded outfits which have been noted to shift and change to match both modern and historical aesthetics. The Apparitions are non-verbal and prefer to communicate in subtle hand gestures and movements. They have shown no hostility towards The Equinox Institute and its allies. Notably Apparitions only appear at times of great paranatural activity or period – when The Equinox Institute and its members are most in danger.
Should an individual wear the Ruby for over a twenty-four hour continuous period, it is noted that they will become “bound” to the Ruby. Upon the death of the individual, a new Apparition will appear for a short period of time before disappearing once more. It is readily understood by Researchers within the Institute that these Apparitions are representations of former Equinox staff who have used the Ruby and to date it is estimated there are approximately 63 Apparitions tied to the Ruby.
The Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby (sometimes known as ‘The Cursed Sovereign’s Ruby’) is one of the oldest paranatural artefacts in the hands of the Institute – having been in its possession since the organisation’s founding.
Donated by Christopher Marlowe shortly before his death in 1593, it was given over to the School of Night on the basis that it be used to protect the Crown. How exactly the ruby protected whosoever wore it was not entirely understood but, following Marlowe’s death, the Ruby was quietly taken and installed in the Tudor Crown.
The Ruby did indeed protect its wearer, extending Elizabeth’s reign until 1603. The long term effects weren’t readily understood however until afterwards when many of the founding members noted the presence of a “woman wreathed in shadow” that only appeared in times of dire distress and tragedy for the School of Night. When James I died in 1625, another figure appeared alongside the woman and it quickly became apparent to the School of Night that while the Ruby offered protection to whosoever wielded it, so too did it come at a terrible price for the individual’s immortal soul.
Following the English Civil War and the abolition of the monarchy in 1649, the School of Night managed to successfully obtain the Ruby which they relocated into a new vessel – an amulet. It has remained there ever since.
The Ruby is currently held by Equinox 1 and is used as a means of both protection and premonition. It has regularly been signed-off for use on dangerous missions or where the threat posed by the paranatural phenomena being investigated is unknown. Use of the Ruby is both beaucratically and paranaturally restricted to Equinox 1 members only in order to limit the chances of the Ruby falling into the hands of others from outside the organisation.
Used of the Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby requires the sign-off of members of the Court and indiviudals using the Ruby are required to ensure it is not held on their person for more than 12 hours of continuous use. This period of use can be extended following sign-off by a quorum of Court members.
A significant amount of research has been carried out into the Ruby historically but much of this was lost during the Forgotten War. Attempts to restart research into the Ruby has been slow and is currently restricted without sign-off from Harriot, the member of the Court responsible for research.
The Ruby In Play
The Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby exists within the story to provide an in-game explanation for the presence of the Game Team who, if they are present during a scene, are the silent Apparitions who act as harbingers of bad tidings to come. While Apparitions are present IC, they will not talk or interact readily with players. This is because the Game Team’s first priority is towards the smooth running of the game. Ultimately this allows attendees to acknowledge the Game Team’s presence without breaking character.
The Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby is intended to be in play at every event and can only be used by a member of Equinox 1 (aka a character who is not a member of an established player-created Cell). This is designed to be one of the perks of playing as an indiviudal.
Players are encouraged to research the history of the Immortal Sovereign’s Ruby in-play should they have further questions regarding its history and powers.