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Field Agents

An old labourer scours the mines, pickaxe in hand, stalking a monster who brings unwilling victims into its subterranean hive. An elderly woman watches over a sword embedded in a stone – though she prefers the heft of a revolver to a broadsword when defending magical sites. An ex-special forces member watches sadly over the new recruits, knowing that the enemies they will fight, wear the faces of their loved ones and  can kill them with but a touch.

Field Agents are the active soldiers and hunters of Equinox. When the time for investigation has passed and lives are at stake, they act as the front line of the organisation – ready to do whatever is necessary to protect Equinox and its ideals. 

Examples of characters who fulfil the field agent role in fiction include:

  • Bridgette McGuire (Once and Future);
  • James Bond (Film Franchise); 
  • Simeon Winters (Injection); and
  • the Mobile Task Forces (“MTFs”) of the SCP Foundation (SCP).

Class Skill: Trained Fighter

Characters with this skill have five hits per location rather than two. They can also use any melee weapon of up to 36 inches in length. Finally the character starts play with a single melee weapon of up to 36 inches in addition to any gained from their Specialisation.  All Trained Fighters are given basic training in the use of Pistols, but do not start the event with one.


Field Agents can take one of the specialisations below:

Close Quarters Combat (“CQC”) Expertise

Your character is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. This specialisation represents all forms of melee weapon training from fencing swords to heavy two-handed weapons. With this skill your character:

  • Can use either (selected at character creation);
    • Medium sized melee weapons (this being a weapon which is up to 42 inches long); or
    • A two handed weapon (this being a weapon over 42 inches long)
  • Start play with an additional melee weapon based on your chosen loadout above; and
  • May strike three times an Act for either Stun’ or ‘Rend’ with a melee weapon (regardless of size). Melee calls of ‘Stun’ or ‘Rend’ used against an immobilised or unsuspecting target do not count against this limit.

Take this specialisation if you want your character to be strong in melee combat. Two handed weapon use gives some additional melee range and protection against shorter melee weapons while medium sized weapons allows you to start play with an ambidexterity based build. While not strong at range, your character is also not limited by the availability of ammunition and can make free use of their calls if they have any weapon and can get the drop on others. 

Explosives Expert

Your character has been trained in how to arm and defuse explosives. These can be used to destroy barricades, set traps and, if needs be, take down adversaries. The character can also use grenades and starts every event with a grenade.

Take this specialisation if you want to bring fights to an explosive conclusion or assist in investigations in a more direct manner. Grenades and explosive equipment is difficult for Equinox to obtain but not impossible and attempting to use this skill will often require a Game Team member to set-up and implement. Please bear this in mind if you are interested in taking this specialisation. 


Your character is particularly adept at using a particular type of firearm having extensive practice in the use and maintenance of their chosen type of weapon. A Gunner may use any firearm, except a sniper rifle, as detailed on its lammie. In addition they select one of the following options:

  • Shotguns – Start play with a Shotgun and 2 reloads. Shotguns are excellent at clearing rooms and work at close to mid ranges
  • Rifles – Start play with a Rifle and 1 clip. Rifles are good for dealing with targets accurately at range.
  • SMGs – Start play with an SMG and 1 clip. SMGs are good for dealing with multiple targets at a close to mid range.

Finally Gunners can make full use of stationary or mounted firearms.

Take this specialisation if you want to be able to use firearms to deal damage to large amounts of individuals at anyone time as well as to inflict a considerable amount of damage to a single entity all at once. SMG and rifle ammunition is rarer and more expensive than pistol or shotgun ammunition so unlike the Pistoleer, a Gunner must use ammunition wisely. 

Leadership Material

Your character is a natural born leader, knowing how to motivate the people around you to get the job done and in the midst of combat is able to help others hold steady and fight through the pain to achieve victory. Twice per Act, you may either: 

  • Spend a short time inspiring another character to continue working, no matter the odds. Upon doing this and showing the target your Show Me Lammie, a character who is ‘Wounded’ is able to use their skills and abilities as well as attack and defend others for the next 10 minutes. This does not restore any hits and any blows received by them will still cause them to become ‘Critical’; or
  • Spend a short time laying out a plan, giving a speech or with other appropriate roleplay with a small group of people, give up to 3 people the condition – Small Unit Tactics, you can include yourself with this ability.

    Small Unit Tactics
    Trait: Physical

    Target gains the following benefits:
    Two resists to the Bang call and +1 hit until the laid out plan is completed, the situation for the speech is over or the act ends.

Take this specialisation if you see your character as one who wants to inspire others to push through the worst situations to achieve victory or is one who wants to assist people on the frontlines in a capacity outside of direct combat. 


The character has extensive training in the use of pistols and knows how to maintain, clean and fire one with expert precision. The character starts every event with a pistol and two clips of pistol ammunition and reduces the time to aim with any pistol in half. In addition the Pistoleer may hide a small weapon, such as a knife, and a pistol on them with a short amount of preparation time. These cannot be found via a manual search unless the searcher is skilled enough to do so. If searched you do not have to hand over these items unless the person searching you has a Show Me Lammie that allows them to find hidden items.

Take this specialisation if you want to be able to use firearms as your go-to combat weapon or as a weapon that can be passed to allies in an emergency. Clips of pistol ammunition are easier for characters to requisition than other forms of ammunition and pistols can be used (less effectively) by almost all members of Equinox. 


The character is a trained sniper, specialising in the takedown of targets at incredible range or with lethal accuracy. The character can, after ten seconds of aiming with a sniper rifle, make the call of ‘Doom’ to a single target within range. This call can be made via a referee where they are able to draw a line of sight on a target and provide a detailed description of who they are looking to hit. Characters with this skill begin every event with a sniper rifle and three clips of sniper ammunition. Each clip of ammunition represents one shot the character may take.

Take this specialisation if you want to be extremely skilled at taking down opponents at long distance and with extreme force. Clips of sniper ammunition are obtainable with the right connections but are not as common as ammunition for pistols for example. Please be aware that using the sniper ability beyond the range of earshot will require a referee and this should be taken into account when selecting this specialisation. 


Whether it’s down to luck or years of training, your character knows how to survive. Your character can call ‘Resist’ twice per Act to ‘Bang’, ‘Stun’, ‘Rend’ or ‘Kaboom’. In addition to this, your character’s bleed-out time is extended to five minutes/300 seconds. 

Take this specialisation if you want to survive (almost) anything and give you better than normal odds of surviving interactions with paranatural entities or objects that may cause physical harm.